This summer Jeff and I stopped by some party store where I saw the oddest looking rubber pacman mask, so I decide I'm going to make a big pacman mask and tape on a few ghosts.  Come October I decide that I have absolutely no time to try sewing a mask (especially since I don't really sew).  I remember I still have the all-black mask that has served me faithfully the past few Halloweens (beginning with the 1996 "faceless college applicant #63465675" costume) and decide that instead of having a pac man head, I can just be the entire game board complete with ghosts, pellets, fruit, and ms. pacman.  After purchasing more than enough felt material and sewing on the stuff furiously 2 hours before debut, I was pretty happy with the results:

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to the left is a pic Steve took.
I also have one without the mask

First stop Saturday night was the ice arena.  The cool thing about wearing a mask is that no one can tell who you are.  Unfortunately masks aren't allowed on the ice... bah humbug
[l to r - Nicole, me, Katie, Betsy, Janie]

next stop: The Ewok Village apartment party (I don't think it has a real name yet).  Artie's Alvin getup kicked @$$. I'm trying to figure out who the person Paul is touching is in the picture...
[l to r - Pimp Cheng, Alvin, Matt]

The group hit the Skulls party around 1:30 or 2.  I was very impressed by 2 guys wearing Power Rangers costumes (complete with tights).  There were some pretty clever costumes, but too many devils.  When I got back to the apartment I just had to get a shot of the "Surviver" passed out on the couch :-)

~more pictures and anecdotes coming soon~